



The Symptoms List was developed in January 1996 by the women listed below, all were members of the Menopaus list at that time.  All symptoms were experienced by numerous women and were either cyclical in nature, or responded to treatments (both traditional and alternative) known to address hormonal imbalances.

The women who directly contributed text, ideas and research to this list are:


Judy Bayliss

Owner & Founder of the Menopaus Email Support Group, Owner & Creator of this website.  Contact:


Lucy L. Brown, Ph.D.

Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Bronx NY 10461

Krista Glickman Susan Klee
Christine Cody Jean Bauer
Graciela Spivak Susan Jessen
Betty Clark Keri Webb
Joan Starker Susan Ariew
Roberta J. Leon Jennifer Hesketh Aviles
Bonnie Dreps Voigtlander Miriam Biddleman

Menopaus Listserv



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The information found on these pages is for informational purposes only and not intended to take the place of professional medical care.

This site was created by Judy Bayliss, originator and owner of the Menopaus Email Support Group

Any questions or comments can be directed to :